Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Final Project - Multiplicity Photography

Multiplicity photography is one of the interesting photography that fascinate many people. It is done by taking multiple pictures of the same person or object in the photo in different positions. This also requires a tripod. In every shot the person or the object will move. After taking the shots, edit them so that the person or the object in different places and poses will appear in one photo. This is commonly seen in the sports photography where there is multiple same skateboarder in one picture.

How Busy are you? Would it be nice if there is someone that will take care of all the tasks for you? Have you ever thought of having a twin of yourself or another you like a clone? I always think it would be great if there was another me that will take care of my homework, jobs and tasks for me. In reality it is impossible. However, in the photography world anything is possible. Actually it is just capturing yourself multiple times, but you can capture yourself as many as you want. Having the same person in one picture is so unrealistic but it looks really interesting. You can make your own story in one picture all by yourself.