Monday, April 08, 2013

Final Project Images

- Precious Children -  

Lovely Smile

Feel the Grass

A Straight Look

Hand to Hnad

On the Rock

Concept Statement

When I researched about Nick Brandt for my presentation, I really was inspired from his passion that he has against his photos. I really liked the photos he took of the animals which he loves and is what he really want to protect. It really made me think of what using a talent for others really mean.  His photos has goal and I wanted to do some thing like what he is doing.
I want to take pictures of children or babies. The purpose is to help people around the world to understand that although raising a child is hard and challenging, it is a big blessing. According to the data from WHO "every year in the world an estimated 40-50 million women faced with an unplanned pregnancy decide to have an abortion. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day." (Abortion Statics - Worldometers)
My thought might be wrong but by taking photos of happy children or cute babies, I thought it might help a person or two on making their decisions. I think that although the baby isn't born yet and is not 100% developed as a baby, a life is a life and it is a live. I understand that their are many conditions and their may be exceptions, however I want people to know that there are so many couples that really wants children but are not able to do so because of some difficulties or problem. I think raising a child is tough but it worth it and you well probably experience more joy and happiness rather than depression or sorrow.